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2º programa de la 5a Temporada de Time To Roots ­ 18 ­ 10 – 2015

Enviado por el 31 octubre, 2015 – 12:00No Comment

TIME TO ROOTSYa tenemos la selección del srgundo programa de la 5a Temporada de Time To Roots ­ del 18 ­ 10 ­ 2015 ­ Live & Direct Session ­Strictly 7 inc Selection.

1 Soul Sindicate ­ King Hight Way.

2 African Brothers ­ Righteous Kingdom (Black Roots 7 inc)

3 Al Campbell ­ Take a Ride (Studio One 7inc)

4 Pablo Moses ­ I Man A Grass Hoper ( Rebirth Records 7 inc) .

5 Archive & Michael McLean & Devotion Band ­ The Ruler (Integrity Records 7 inc) .

6 Rod Taylor ­ His Imperial Majesty.

7 Wayne Jarret ­ Satta Dread (Micron Music Limited 7 inc).

8 Peter Tosh ­ Equal Rights (Legacy Recordings Limted Edition 7 Inc).

9 Prince Heron & Mudies All Stras ­ Rock (Moodisc Records 7 inc).

10 Larry Marshal ­ My Foreparent (amanda 7 inc) .

11 Al Bell ­ Babylon a Cannibal (Micron Music Limited 7 inc)

12 Roman Stewart ­ In The Chapel (Amussu Music 7 inc) .

13 Ronnie Davis ­ Make Haste (Horus 7 inc) .

14 Delano Stewart ­ Stop This War (Roots International 7 inc).

15 Clive Matthews & The Insighters ­Version + Change Your Costitution (Fox Fire 7 inc).

16 Freddie McKay ­ In Times Of Trouble (Earthquake 7 inc) .

17 African Star ­ They Just Cant Stop Us (Palm Disco 7 inc) .

18 Icho Candy ­ Babylon (Rockers Rasta­Far­I­Cultural Sounds 7 inc) .

19 Raphie Arenas & Hi­Tech Roots Dinamics ­ Youre Running (Log On 7 inc).

20 Jah Levi ­ Zion a Fe Lion (Rockers Rasta­Far­I­Cultural Sounds 7 inc)

21 Peter Tosh ­ Legalize It (Legacy Recordings Limted Edition 7 Inc)

22 Tommy McCook & The Discosonics ­ Tenor On Call.

23 Sintonia Final Time To Roots.


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