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Kymani Marley escribe su primer libro

Enviado por el 6 febrero, 2010 – 7:322 Comments

, hijo del legendario , acaba de publicar su primer titulado «Dear Dad: Where’s the Family in our Family, today?»

El libro, que tiene como subtítulo «la historia de la familia Marley, al parecer lo que quieren que no sepas» seguro va a crear una fuerte polémica.

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2 Comentarios »

  • kayaman dice:

    se sabe si va a salir traducido al castellano?

  • reinaomega dice:

    nO sé si saldrá traducido al castellano,lo que si que sé es que KyMani está muy decepcionado con el productor del libro ya que ese título que aparece no es el que habían acordado,el título real que quería poner el hijo ed Bob era el siguiente:Dear Dad:The Marley Son that Rose From The Streets to Prominence»,y Kymani no entiende porqué el señor Farra Gray (publicista edl libro)ha hecho ciertos cambios sin consultárselo a él.Os dejo unas palabras de Kymani respeto al tema:
    I’ve done many things that I am not proud of. I have turned what was largely a destructive lifestyle and turned it into a constructive one. I chose to share my story with the hope that many may be moved to something more positive by the end of the book.I partnered with a gentleman, Dr. Farrah Gray, who I grew to have a great deal of respect for. My journey writing the book was initially very easy and I thought we had built a relationship of respect, if nothing else.During the final edit of the book, I spoke with my sister, Cedella, and I advised Dr. Farrah Gray that some changes had to be made and until the changes were made, I was not willing to do any promotion for the book. Dr. Gray apparantly thought that by turning something that was written from the heart into something seemingly malicious was going to benefit him in some way.I did not mean to hurt anyone… The book was only to tell my story, as I know it… What I was led to believe while growing up. The book was not an attack on my family! I love my brothers and sisters more than anyone can know.I did not expect that Dr. Gray would have unprofessional and malicious in twisting my words or using things that were discussed in confidence to create controversy in an attempt to sell a book.I did NOT authorize him to make any changes to the cover of my book nor do I condone any of the captions he has written!At this point I do not know if the content of the book has been altered in any way? Due to the fact that I have not communicated with Dr. Farrah Gray in over a month because he has neither accepted nor returned any of my phone calls.
    Bless familia!

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