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David Rodigan renuncia a trabajar en Kiss FM

Enviado por el 27 noviembre, 2012 – 6:06No Comment

David no continuará su programa en la emisora británica Kiss FM. Según ha declarado el popular locutor y selector esta decisión tiene que ver con la continua marginación de la música en la programación de la emisora radiofónica.

«I write this to inform you that today I have resigned from my position as a broadcaster on Kiss FM. I’ve been with station for 22 years, shared some wonderful times with many fantastic artists and members of staff and its with great sadness that I’ve come to this decision. to their continued marginalisation of music into the twilight zone of radio scheduling, it has left me no option but to make a stand for my passion and the music I love so dearly.»

«As Bob Marley famously said The stone that the builder refused will be the head corner stone. was originally played on the streets, not on radio, and Kiss’ refusal to schedule the only reggae show on their network to a socially accessible time has resulted in this decision. Reggae is worthy of more respect and so are the fans and lovers of this music.»

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